Twitterpated (with apologies to Bambi).

I've been on Twitter for a whopping six days - and I have to confess, I'm hooked. I even managed to link Twitter to my Facebook account, so my status automatically gets updated in both places. (It's the little things!)

This morning, two of my coworkers asked me, "What IS Twitter, anyway?" And though I tried my best to explain, I honestly think Twitter is one of those things better explained by trying it out. I follow a few friends, vendors, some big brands, and some news channels...and a few just for fun. For example, tweets fun food facts. Who knew that 4/17 is National Cheeseball Day?

The more I explore Twitter, the more I like it, and from a marketing perspective, it seems like the sky's the limit. I work for a real estate company, and could see us eventually using Twitter to market to college students and first-time homebuyers, as well as promoting move-in specials and upcoming events. The issue, as with many Web 2.0 technologies, is that Twitter is still a little bit misunderstood, and its effectiveness as a business tool is not completely embraced by people accustomed to more traditional marketing methods. Another challenge is that staying on top of the conversation requires serious effort. A lot of larger companies are using Twitter, Facebook, and other social media channels very successfully (IBM and EMC, just to name two), but often have resources dedicated to managing these programs. With a small in-house marketing team, we haven't quite figured out how to manage this ourselves - yet.

In the meantime, just consider me Twitterpated.


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